Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Jamie's Chicken Spaghetti

This is SOOOO good! Here's what you need:

1 Pkg- Spaghetti Noodles
3 breasts- Chicken
1 sm Pkg- velvetta Cheese
1 can- Cream of Chicken
1 can- Rotelle

Put the Rotelle, the cream of chicken soup, 1/2 a soup
can full of milk, and cubed cheese in a sauce pan.
Melt down. Add in chicken (I usually sautee the
chicken in a little butter before adding it). Cook
pasta and drain well. Then add cheese/chicken mix to
pasta and stir well.


This is very filling and is so good!

Serving suggestions:

Corn on cob


Anonymous said...

any idea how many ounces in a small velvetta? I always buy the bigger one.

~Crystal~ said...

I'm not sure, Mel.

Jamie said...

A little over half of the big block.

~Crystal~ said...

I copy & pasted this from Jamie's blog. This is what Mel had to say.....

So I tried your Chicken Spaghetti last night. I had to have Lee go to the store for the Rotelle so I had him look and see how many ounces in a small Velvetta...he thought I was crazy. But we buy the big ones and plus the big ones are $3.54 and the small ones are $3.99 (at least where he was last night)weird! But everyone liked it- Lee gave it an 8 which is HIGH on his scale--his mom messed him up!! He is the pickiest eater ever! I have to hide things when I cook or chop them up small enough he can't pull them out....onions, peppers, cream CHEESE, sour cream- just to name a few! He said that it was filling which made me laugh because that is how you described it.

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